
By Mindseye


of some kind, I think?!

Well woke up, and guess what, it's not raining, despite what the forecasters said!!! It is blowy and very grey, but oh so mild!
Definitely more than the forecasted 6-8 degrees!! Wish I hadn't paid so,much attention to their forecast now :-/ I did have plans but shelved them yesterday....feeling a bit cross now :-(

Anyhow, we did go for the papers, and walked the longer route back home. Then enjoyed a coffee whilst reading them. Lunch was a brown seeded, ham and salad, with mustard mayo sandwich, rather nice :-)

Spent an hour out,in the garden, just mooching, looking for a blip. I spotted those shiny beetles on my Rosemary bush again, so,spent a while picking them off, I did squish them I'm afraid, they are demolishing the new fresh rosemary sprigs....little blighters! After I'd squished them, I did curse a little, I should have blipped one, as their shells are very colourful and iridescent ...too late now:-/. So instead, I had a choice of two,or three shots, where there are clearly signs of flowers, so,spring is definitely close by now. I plumped for this shot of a small alpine, which I think is some kind of a Heather...as you can see the tiny flower heads are starting to open.

Afternoon in the kitchen, concocted a pork shoulder stew, with onions, mushrooms, carrots, cannellini beans, tomatoes, chicken stock, Rosemary, bay leaf, parsley, caraway seeds. Think I'm going to put a 'cobbler' type topping on it later, when it's slow cooked and reduced down ;-) hopefully it should taste
ok, fingers crossed :-)

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