Claws of steele
This Australian Raven is demonstrating his claws of steel as he sits on a sharp edged steel post. You can see him looking down checking his footing in the closeup shot. It could not have been comfortable. Worth a look in large.
In the Extra photo I show a full body shot of this glossy feathered beauty. This is one of a pair to visit us every day looking for any scraps of food. We do not feed or encourage the Ravens.
Australian Ravens are black with white eyes in adults. There are six members of the family Corvidae found in Australia. Three are called crows and three ravens. The Australian Raven is found in the southern part of Australia where we live.
The Family Corvidae has a diverse diet that consist of grains, fruits, insects, road kill, small animals, eggs, edible refuse and carrion. Our Australian Raven is mainly carnivorous and is disliked by some people due to its habit of taking other small birds. Having said that, I like them - and they are an extremely handsome bird.
Typical statistics:
Mass: 650 g (Adult)
Length: 46 – 53 cm (Adult)
Wingspan: 100 cm (Adult)
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