The 4th wall
With just a day separating the birthdays in the IntotheHills household its a weekend of laziness, treats & friends - which is nice as the weather continues to be vile. In our 25th year together Mrs IttH's toyboy for a day still likes to try and make sure its a fun day.
As a pair of lifelong comic book & graphic novel geeks this promises to be quite a year for us - there's not been this exciting a line up since the cinematic perfection that was Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight Trilogy - and having the wonderfully adult Deadpool released on our birthday weekend seemed like a treat just for us.
I'll go out on a limb and hazard a guess that not many of my regular followers are a fan - and I'll also warn you that however much I wax lyrical this is a very acquired taste - but the film was, from the opening credits to the cookie at the end fantastically true to the adult nature of the character. I've been amused and impressed how Deadpool is aware of his situation - perhaps more than any modern invention he's happy to break the 4th wall* and interact with not just the audience - but the dual reality of his concept - the film did this brilliantly - taking the mickey out of itself, other films, the actors taking part, the audience and the conceit that leads to a suspension of belief - all the while keeping you gripped with that same conceit as the story bounced back forwards & sideways at a rollicking pace. A lazy afternoon well spent!
*the 4th wall is the theatrical term for the imaginary fourth wall of the set that separates the act from the audience.
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