An Avid Lensman

By SarumStroller

The FB Pocket Orchestra, LIVE!

Salisbury Arts Centre's Live Lunch

Absolutely rubbish wet weather here today so I was looking for free entertainment to snap, resigning myself to a live band in a pub this evening. 

Get onto the Arts Centre's website and there was only a live free gig in an hour's time - perfecto!

Soon got myself permission from both the band and the venue management, with the usual proviso I don't fall over the furniture, didn't hit the heads of any members of the public enjoying the cafe's fine food set out on laid tables with my lens and of course not to use flash (which I would never use).

And also, naturally that I let the band have a few shots put up on their Facebook page and for the Arts Centre to be sent a few for their files and possible publicity use.

Met up with someone who I had not had a chance to speak to for many years and his partner, good to catch up with them (they joined me at the table I was at) as well as getting to know the new standing in manager at the Centre. All positive stuff.

As you can see, this threesome play a lot of jazz,  ragtime, blues and dance tunes from the 1920's and 1930's. Perfect light stuff for an 'orrible February afternoon! Audience age ranged from 3 to 83. (plus!)

I liked this shot as it shows all three connecting together musically. Live music can often look static and dull, so you have to try and get the peaks in their performances and expressions. 

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