
I've thought a lot about numbers today because there are a lot of them in my life.

The ones that made sense today are:

- I have an 8 day trip starting Sunday week.
- I need to carry 7 breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and snacks.
- I need to carry a tent for 2 nights, the other 5 nights should be in huts.
- I have 576gms of food per day.

In the photo you can see my 7 pre-prepared evening meals.
1. Thai peanut noodles with chicken and vegetables.
2. Beef curry with rice and cashews.
3. Couscous with beef, apricots and cashews.
4. Italian tomato sauce with beef and rice.
5. Fiesta rice with vegetables and chicken.
6. Venison risotto.
7. Mexican beans.

All are carefully measured to provide adequate protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.

Lots of numbers so I carry what I need but don't unnecessarily overload my pack.

Other numbers in my life either don't make much sense to me, or unnerve me. The magnitude and number of quakes we're experiencing is one example.

Another are earthquake probabilities. I live in a shaky land. The only way to escape that fact is leave the county. Does it add to my quality of life to know the probability of various magnitude earthquakes in the next 2 weeks, or next year?


I try to stay away from those numbers. Those don't help me, they don't make my life better, safer, or more enjoyable. So I'm sticking with all the numbers to do with my upcoming trip.

In fact, I think I'll go on a little trip tomorrow and climb a little peak. That will help put the week in perspective and reclaim the hills.

That decision focuses the number business even more. I'd better get sorted so I have enough hours of sleep :-)

Thank you for many kind and thoughtful comments re: the confronting I've done this week. When I feel anxious I come back to the knowledge I did the right thing.

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