Observations in time

By walkingwummin

Balance in all things (is it sustainable?)

These are beautiful stones, brought back from my walk along Lunan Bay at the beginning of the week. They are perfectly smooth and finely honed.
All of their sharp jaggy edges have been smoothed out.

I think this is what happens to us through life-we are moulded by the things that happen to us and our wrinkles are smoothed out along the path.

When J came home tonight we went out for a lovely meal.

He had had a tough day at work and I had spent time preparing for a feedback meeting I am to have on Monday with a senior professional about the care we received from them when my mother was being looked after when she had Dementia and we were doing our best to keep her at home until she died.

I must say I found the experience of going through the events quite difficult as it brought the whole experience to the fore and I found myself in the midst of it again. It was painful when I remembered what J and I, and my mother had gone through.

All we wanted was to make the situation sustainable, so that J and I could continue to care for her at home and my beloved Mum could die here.

This seemed to prove quite difficult, even although I had decades of professional experience which indicated that it could be done.

I have a bit more preparation to do before Monday but my story can and will be told.
My mother deserves nothing less.

(She died at home, here with us, as was her wish).
It was more difficult than I think it should have been and I believe that there are lessons to be learned.

Thanks J for a lovely meal and for listening. You are my rock.
I also love these stones. They have been and will be around for a long time to come.

They are definately sustainable...

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