
Well that was what it felt like today! I was so overdressed in my two coats, as I walked along the beach with my Wednesday friends (I's Thursday......) It was lovely to see so many people out enjoying the gorgeous weather - children playing on the water's edge, families playing games together, surfers enjoying the waves..... bliss! We even ate ice cream cones! (mine with a flake :)) Loads of photos, as you would expect, but I've chosen one that my friends liked and will recognise. I took it quite early on - before a lovely bowl of root vegetable soup at the Russell-Cotes museum - but I took many more later..... After I had said goodbye to my friends and donned my wellies, I returned to the water's edge to get a different perspective. And, yes, I did go in a bit deeper than I ought, so yes, I did get wet feet! Again. :))

I hope you've all had a great day, too, and managed at least a few minutes out in the sun!

Huge thanks, as ever, for everything! And thank you so much to Trisharooni for awarding one of her Tiny Tuesday hearts to my Frozen Sparkler blip! :))


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