
The Eden Project today to renew our Locals Passes and experience "Survival" with 'Stickman'.

It was all as expected but good to get out - the blip shows Princess, Smallest and MrRoly playing Pooh Sticks in Stickman's house. We decided not to queue to have a photo with someone dressed up as Stickman. I feel no need to go any further. Eden is what it is and I have adjusted my expectations so I no longer feel disappointed when I get there!

Home via The Baking Birdhouse in Truro. Found my tutor has already reviewed my project and returned it! Lovely comments from her and I need to do only a small amount of tweaking to get it where it needs to be. So I plan to submit by the end of next week after I've had chance to speak with her a week tomorrow! Go me!

ETA Sylvie (or perhaps Star), one of the school chicks sadly died overnight. She had been off colour for a couple of days so it wasn't a shock. I wonder how long her sister will last but they had flocked with our three so perhaps she'll be ok.

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