twinned with trumpton


Kids up and out to school; with the added joy of folio coffee morning, too. The ex was there, too. Joy...

Duty done, I headed for her, picked up her stuff for the week, and headed off to North Queensferry; a small chunk of the Fife Coastal Path to occupy us for a few hours. Inverkeithing to Aberdour. A cool day; no rain, and a spot of sunshine towards the end, and another 8 miles done.

March 12th for St Andrews to the Tay Bridge beckons.

We came back to mine; showered and changed and out into town. Her to meet a friend for birthday drinks; me to Jim's retirement dinner about 7 weeks after he left (Christmas and then his annual migration to Tenerife got in the way of doing it earlier)

A quick pint and then to Zara's for mezze and then Et Sote; tasty dinner.

Me and Jules and AOB broke up the party around 8; I walked over to where she was (High St) and after a swift one, we jumped on a bus home and were ticked up in bed, asleep, early.

Sun setting over the west end of Princes St

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