Handsome old boy

Another lovely bright day, windy and cold though :-).

I took a trip over to see Mum today, via sis's house, as she needed a lift to our Pilates class, which we went to first of course ;-) We all had lunch in M&S, followed by a little grocery shopping, then back to sis's house for a cuppa so she could see to her boy :-)

This is a shot of her boy, Bailey, or Bails for short. He is the sixth Doberman we have had in our family over many years. Of the three my sis has had, he is the one that has lived the longest. I think he is 11 now.......he has arthritis and is very wobbly, rather than walk, he sashays these days. He is a real softy and loves his cuddly toys.......he greeted us at the front door this afternoon, with snowy in his mouth, that's his snowman that he got for Christmas :-)

He is still a lovely looking dog don't you think ? :-)

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