Field Trip

Just staggered in from a day in the field, totally wrecked, covered in mud but what a day! We rendezvoused with Fonola and Robert, Jessie and Brandon in Budds for an invigorating cuppa, then headed off to the Mizen Peninsula - the northside which is wild and astonishingly beautiful with some of the smallest, pot-holed orads you are ever likely to encounter. The day was bright, crisp and clear and everything looked fantastic. I've put together a collage, documentary evidence rather than artyness, of our day.
We climbed over barbed wire fences, slid down stony walls, leapt over streams, squelched through some serious mud, met a man with not many teeth but a head full of knowledge, knocked on doors,  marvelled at the scenery and saw:
Four holy wells - all pretty decrepit and overgrown and needing some serious detective work
some pirate steps at Canty's Cove - almost vertical and cut into the cliff
a magnificent tower house built on a rock complete with small dank dungeon
a wedge tomb on the edge of the land with huge views out to the sea
a teeny wart well complete with resident worm! (nasty)
a tiny bramble covered church with some huge stone markers in the muddiest field ever- see Finola's boots
lots of ruins
Please biggify - if you wonder what Robert is doing he's dipping his finger three times into the wart well -as you do.

PS - we're half way through IHWM (International Holy Well Month) and have some astonishing and fabulous wells coming in - if you haven't found one yet, get those boots on and maps out!

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