twinned with trumpton


So I emerged unscathed from the previous evening; vague and disconnected and washed out but fine.
A great morning; a touch of frost adding a coating of white but blue sky and sunshine. Still no car so bike it was!

School then D Mains for a quickie and then in for my 1000 interview; not really focussed but - not the best, not the worst.

And then to Leith; cold still but time between stops to search and photograph.

I was supposed to chum her home at lunchtime but...down came the sleety rain in sheets. Cold, penetrating rain. I mooched around the City Arts Centre before donning waterproofs and heading off into the depths of Gilmerton. A tough afternoon... Then a call to say thanks but no thanks re the job. Harumph.
So I wound my way past hers for a cup of tea, last call, then car from garage and school pick up.

It was then an exercise in getting them to bed and collapsing quietly into sleep.

I'll need it - a busy weekend coming up.

Another one to be filed under "It was Like the Fuckin' White Stripes Had Hit Town.."

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