Joey Holt

I had to do the whole "going out" thing today. I went for a meeting with a colleague and friend with whom I'm doing some work in a week or so. We're doing that online stuff where everyone is anonymous and real connections cannot be made. Because of that we made the effort to meet up because it's actually rather nice meeting up for a coffee now and again isn't it?

So anways, we met in a public house - one of those places which sells beer and stuff - and they had a collection of pump clips on display; this one immediately caught my eye. Joey Holt is a Manchester institution and I was surprised to see this some 270 miles from its home. This isn't one of my rants about food miles - some products are only available from a single source.

Lovely sunny day - summer must be just around the corner, time for Waitrose picnics on the beach!

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