Grasmere, not a bad spot to stop for lunch

The weather changed for the better today. It was fairly grey to start but with the promise of an improving day.

We spent a few hours in the morning shopping in Windermere, buying things we didn't know we wanted like a new teapot and a packet of sausage skins. (Yes) Enjoyed a coffee and scone at the Lakeland Cafe, the scones were excellent, on a par with any others I've reviewed over the years.

Our walk in the late morning and afternoon took us from Elterwater over to Grasmere and alongside the lake where we stopped for lunch. We followed the River Rothay and then up onto Loughrigg Terrace which gave fine views all around.

Eventually we worked our way around to Loughrigg Tarn and down to Skelwith Bridge to visit the raging Skelwith Force then alongside the River Brathay and Elterwater back to the car park. The final section along the river has some superb views of the Langdales and indeed the whole route is one of the most scenic routes in the Lakes.

Lamb chops (local) with roast potatoes and vegetables for dinner, finished off with pancakes.

The evening was rounded off with a visit to the cinema to see Dad's Army in a wonderful old style picture house, unchanged since the 1960s I should think. The film was pretty good too, better than I thought it was going to be early on in the proceeding. The original Dad's Army from the 1970s became an institution and there was some doubt about how the film would measure up to something so dearly regarded. Phrases like "don't tell 'em your name Pike" have entered our language and we don't like things we hold dear to be spoilt.

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