End of a long trip

A long round trip to the Midlands to user test the prison software. Left late yesterday afternoon, picking up people on the way near Heathrow. A magnificent sunset along most of the journey up the M40.

Traffic very good again and arrived at our Travelodge hotel at about 7.30pm. Found I'd left my sponge bag at home so had to go out and buy enough supplies to keep me fresh tomorrow.

Found our way to the prison and had a very good day, especially in the afternoon when we were working with some prisoners to test the software. Very pleased with how it turned out.

Finished there at about 4.30pm and began the long trip home via Heathrow and Gillingham, I arrived back at 9.45. Again an uneventful journey missing out on the Birmingham section of the M6 by sneeking down the M6 Toll road.

Very little opportunity for a blip today, dark first thing and in a rush to get to the prison through the morning traffic. Mobiles, along with lots of other things, not allowed in prisons, getting dark and bleak when we "got out" in the late afternoon so I had to content myself with a record of the journey.

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