The Life and Times of ...

By PappaG

To Bee or Not To Bee.....

Evening all,

.....this is not the question matter what Shakespeare thinks....its only one bee.....he should have gone to Specsavers !!! ;0)

Couple of days off now......well .......I'm hoping.....I live in hope......the interpretation of a day off in THIS house doesn't always correspond with my view of a day off lol ;0)

Going back to this spot again as I almost blipped this.....never seen so many together in one place.....;0)

Stopped in on Mini G....she has a new word ...."Hiccup!" funny.....bathed her, she soaked me, washed her, she soaked me.......dont know why...its not as if I encourage her ..........much....;0)

Have a great evening ;0)

TTFN ;0)

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