A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

The Aliens have landed

And they appear to have ways of stealing our time...despite all my best intentions for an early night it suddenly seems to be not very early at all.

It could possibly be these growing up kids whose bedtimes seem to be moving ever closer to my own. And my denial of this which manifests as, I'll just do that bit of work when the kids have gone to bed meaning I'll stay up really late doing that work then.

I know I have done a lot today. Well I definitely feel like I have done a lot so let's count that as the same thing. And some of it being like a proper grown up and employing my niece to teach my daughter music theory. I was very impressed when she turned up with her own props.

J and I went to the tank (#29) in what could almost be called a fun outing. Not least as we were the only ones in there and the peace was so lovely I may have briefly dozed off.

And now just one more thing to finish before I can doze off for real.

Oh, and the blip was handily provided first thing as Anna went to school today dressed as an alien for her year group's topic day which this term is space. She was initially a little shy about our walk to school but after making it down the road with barely a second glance she soon relaxed. I love London.

Lesley x

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