Chinese New Year - the year of the Monkey

We've had a lovely sunny day - 5 degrees warm.  It was great to walk through Montrose and see so many people smiling  -  what a difference a bit of sun makes to our mood!  My original plan was to buy a toy monkey and blip him amongst some of the Chinese porcelain we'd brought home from Singapore years ago, but the only one I saw was a bit moth-eaten in one of the Charity Shops. I didn't take to him at all, but lo and behold in the next Charity Shop (Montrose has seven!) I found this comical little Monkey all set up for the future!  He was very dusty - the label a the bottom said handmade in 2002 - so his owner had turned him out.  Well, now he has home with me, and let's hope a lot of travels into the Future. I collected a lot of Chinese silk paintings while we lived in Singapore, but only have two left  -  I've photographed him against my favourite. 

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