A Secret About A Secret

By pixel8

Edinburgh Workshop

Today I had a wander around Edinburgh whilst PT attended a conference at the University. I ended up in the Leith area following a very disappointing visit to my my once favourite camera shop. I could go on at length about this but I won't - suffice to say that of 4 lenses I wanted to look at they didn't have any of them in stock. No ND filters in stock and no Black Rapid camera straps in stock. Not what I expect from a professional dealers. I used to be able to drop in here once or twice a year to look at items of interest and discuss photography with the staff. No longer it appears. The apathy on the part of the staff was staggering. ( I was last in the shop 3 months ago and bought a camera and a lens and the lack of interest was also apparent then). Yesterdays visit confirmed my decision to make it my last.
Rant over!

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