A Gentle Storm

Dear Diary,

Yesterday was a good old fashioned snow day.  7-8 inches fell but it was a gentle snowfall.  No high winds just a steady fall for most of the day.  A soft fluffy consistency.  My favorite kind of snow storm. 

I haven't gotten a good mourning dove photograph this winter yet so this is what I was able to get at the height of the storm.  I have always loved their soft brown coloration against the grey and white of a winter landscape.  You can't really see the pink feet in this shot but they are unique among my winter birds.

This morning David will come by and finish digging me out.  I did some of it yesterday afternoon.  It is looking more like the Maine I love now and I'm pleased with that.  Really, the mild weather and lack of snow was not right.  I'm sure the ski slopes are thrilled with this gift of white gold.  We need the snow pack to refresh the ground water too so right now we are all happy!

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