
By loisbiz

Chestnut-Backed Chickadee

I had to Blip this little guy because he is new to me. Not the best photos, but I don't know if I will see him again. I was surprised that the Audubon site said that they are "common" in our area.....but interesting that they are only seen in the Northwestern USA and Western Canada. They are tiny and a member of the Tit family.

Doctor appointments and paperwork done today. So now ready for adding the only shots I got today from my back door. I have been enjoying discovering all the different birds we have in our back yard.

I did see the Bald Eagle sitting in his usual spot when I left the neighborhood and a Kestrel in a tree right below him. I didn't get any photos since I was rushing to an appointment.

Thanks for visiting and for your kind comments, stars and hearts for my lowly robin yesterday. Honestly, he has become a bit of a pest.....he seems to like pecking at himself in my living room window while sitting on my deck railing....he is "painting" the railing white!!!

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