
By HilaryinOman

Common Myna(Acridotheres tristis)

Having a play around outside with my camera and the Nikon 55-200mm, this Common Myna came to see what I was up to from the safety of the pool fence. To be honest I've never really looked closely at a Myna because they are like Starlings(they are from the same family) they are big, bold and aggressive to other birds and are in Oman in great numbers after spreading explosively from a few escaped caged birds approximately 25 years ago(this is all according to the Bird book)They have a very bright beak, eye patch and very unusual eyes and they are beautifully smartly 'dressed' they can of course mimic all kinds of sounds and are very curious! So I shall look on them in a very different way from now on and not be so dismissive as I'm afraid some people look on them almost as vermin.

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