Groundhog Day
A genius of an idea. Use a beanie hat for a tea cosy.
As for the rest ...
Didn't feel like I made much progress today. Woke up at 4.15 and The Girl racer appeared as I came down the stairs. With her it was jet lag, with me it was - well whatever it was. Post Bereavement Affective Disorder or something. We sat there until 5.30, drinking tea and looking through her nana’s old photographs, laughing at hairstyles long since gone and fashions best not mentioned.
I started doing stuff just to keep occupied. Cleaned out the fridge. Made a sausage and mushroom egg bake for brunch. Went over my bank accounts. Little voices in my head argued with each other - “She was ninety three and had a good life, get over it” tempered with “she was your mother and your friend, of course you feel sad”. And don’t get me started on all the Freudian stuff about guilt, my own mortality, place in the family….
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