Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Life goes on

The Backflip Boy got his visa confirmed today. The lovers will be reunited in their chosen land with magnificent mountains and dramatic landscapes again soon ... In the meantime they have to put up with a mattress on a floor in Woking. But they are happy as long as they have each other.

So we went up to Aged P's nursing home to sort through her stuff today. Made me realise yet again that a life is nothing to do with your few possessions. We come into, and leave, this world with nothing. But in Aged P's case there is a whole rich legacy of people and memories. Like these two who wouldn't have been sharing the happiness they have today if she hadn't kickstarted three whole generations of one big family, and then endowed us all with her love and wisdom.

Life goes on. Really.

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