But Is It Art?
Had all the preliminaries to a crown early this morning at the dentist's: drilling and shaping and sticky mold making and biting down. No pain, except from the tedium of sitting back in that chair for two hours. I amused myself by thinking about an assignment from the online drawing class I'm taking: design an info-graphic. I wanted to take reference photos, but thought the better of it. At one point there were three people crowded around my small mouth. That's what they say, "Oh, you have a small mouth," as if I were holding out on them. I kept trying to figure out how to draw my mouth from the point of the observer, and where to put the arrows and the word balloons. And what did all those tools look like? It was hard to know, since I make it a point to shut my eyes whenever they come near me. So, no info-graphic, but certainly a good way to pass the time. Plus I was listening to Frank Morgan on the headphones. It's unfortunate that I associate him with dentistry, but his music puts me in such a perfect nodding drift that I always choose those tracks when I'm in the chair. Sorry, Frank, and thank you. I'll check in with you in a couple weeks when I go in to get the permanent crown.
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