
By Mindseye

Carnegie Hall

.........well Carnegie Lecture Hall and Library actually, built in 1905 :-)

This is the rooftop of our Grade II listed library building in town, which I thought was looking rather splendid against the blue skies earlier this morning. You might notice the similarity between this and my earlier blip here.

We had a coffee in Reds Cafe, as is becoming usual on our Saturday mornings, before heading home, by which time the skies had started to cloud over and the cold wind was gaining in strength. We had lovely warming mulligatawny soup and a sandwich for lunch.

This afternoon has been windy, cold, and now rainy, interspersed with hail and sleet.....!!!

Think we are having spicy Thai red chicken curry with rice for dinner tonight....tasty and easy to make ;-)

Enjoy whatever you're doing tonight!

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