Jinhae Lights

Back-blip 3 of 5…..

I slept pretty well and probably unsurprising having not slept properly for over 30 hours. I captured a view from my hotel room (1st extra) ahead of breakfast, then met up with colleagues to review preparations for our Customer meeting later in the day. We then had a stroll around Changwon (2nd Extra) before meeting with three other colleagues who travelled down from our Seoul office.

Our afternoon meeting with the Customer went well, though it was early evening before heading back to Changwon. Our host recommended we go back via the hills that provide a backdrop to Jinhae as there is a good viewing point. And we weren't disappointed. 

I wish I'd taken the DSLR now. I had to perch the compact on a handrail, set shutter delay and keep fingers crossed - I'm pleased with the result as it was very cold, windy and we only had suit jackets on! In fact, just 100 yards walk away was a spectacular view of the opposite side looking over to Masan (3rd extra). I could've stayed  longer but my colleagues weren't so keen. 

Having changed back at the hotel we went downtown for a traditional Korean barbecue with meat being cooked over charcoal at the table and served with various side dishes. Very interesting.

A couple of bars then off to bed ready for tomorrow's meeting with a local supplier.

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