Face Value

It's not a great photo but you can blame D for that (I didn't even attempt a shot from the back of the school hall) and it's all I've got.
We had to suffer the agony that is 'ceilidh' ( known as celebration assembly at most schools) as Poppy was being awarded the Values Cup. The great thing about the cups is that the child never knows they are getting it until their name is called. Pop's teacher said some amazingly wonderful things about her and even said that she is a 'treasure', the headteacher (seen here with Poppy) said something about her being the perfect pupil (these may not be his exact words, but it was along those lines). Poppy looked quite embarrassed and D and I both had something in our eye. We both legged it at the first opportunity and came home where we have been listening to the super duper new Hifi equipment he has managed to purloin.
It's been a lovely day and we have much to look forward to this weekend so, as our dear friend used to say 'Fetch it on!!'.

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