10 weeks

It's 10 weeks today since I brought Benedict home. What a transformation! I'm not sure what I expected but I don't think it's the confident and cheeky young cat I now have.

The Pope likes to think he wears the biggest, stripey pants in the house. Maybe he does. Some nights I find myself squeezed to the edge of the bed, or stranded in the middle. Meanwhile Benedict is sleeping where I sleep with his his head on the pillow!

Benedict has a strong voice and a lot to say for himself. It's rare for me to be unsure what his opinion is. He knows where home is and there is no doubt who his human is :-)

I know for sure Benedict adores me and I him. He's affectionate, capable of striking gentleness, and quirky humour. It's been a great 10 weeks and I'm as blessed as he is.

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