Selfie Reflection

Time to reflect.  I could have resorted to all manner of chemical and photographic thingies to erase wrinkles etc, but I resisted.  I reflected on the fact that this is me, as I am, on 25 January 2016, a day when we have trudged through lots of mud around one of the local hills, recapped on the presentation I'm doing tonight about considering how to make a church Dementia Friendly, and seen Aussie Sue on her way up North after a lovely weekend.  I've also been working on my DoF using my macro lens as suggested by helpful Blippers.    Will put a couple of those in extras once I've looked at them properly.  I've also finalised the details of the February Dickens Challenge to be revealed on Wednesday.

This is my selfie for MonoMonday.

I would welcome any advice on the extras.

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