Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

On the mend!

As you can see, Luke is looking much better. His rash has nearly gone, at least his face is clear and no longer puffy. This was a quick photo of the brothers (missing Adam) before we took Luke to the station where he got the train back to Durham via Kings Cross. He knows to take it easy for the next two weeks as we do not want a setback. We will see him at the end of February when we are going up to Durham for the weekend to visit him, and I am already looking forward to that.

It will be a quiet week as I will miss Luke after enjoying his company for so long, and Gavin also leaves for the USA tomorrow morning for business - Los Angeles and then on to Boston. I hope the blizzard has settled by then and he can get there. The snowfalls there have been quite something, and it has been alarming to read about them - but not as alarming as reading about the unstoppable rise of Donald Trump. It looks like he will be elected as the Republican candidate - yikes, what were those voters thinking in supporting him?

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