It's a baldy bald life!

By DrK

Pies and Portraits

I was still a bit ill this morning. Rosemary headed down to Portobello so I watched a programme on the history of Scottish art and another on Cameron McNeish going up the west coast of Scotland.
Continuing the nationalistic theme of the day, I was delighted that Rosemary had bought me a very surprise lunch. It was a macaroni pie!! This stunning culinary delight is simply macaroni cheese in a scotch pie case. Having never tasted one before, I cut out a small tranche for my beloved and offered it forth. She looked suspiciously at this mix of carbs, fat and salt and then popped it in her mouth. I can’t quite remember her exact words, but it was along the lines of “nicer than I thought”. Bloody delicious if you ask me. Perfect when feeling under the weather.
After lunch, we walked into town via the Botanical Gardens with our destination being the Scottish National Portrait Gallery. The Portrait Award exhibition, sponsored by a multi-national oil company of ill-repute was on. I’d already seen it but it was my suggestion to go again. Before we started we went to the café as Rosemary needed a seat. A hot drink and sweet treat was also required.

My favourite portrait was: The History Men: Dr Thomas Rohkrämer and Dr Kay Schiller. There were a few other really good ones, some looked like photographs and too many were slightly depressing.

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