Ellisroger Photos

By Ellisroger


Today was the Christening of my grandaughter Jessica, which was a great opportunity to photograph (some of) my gorgeous grandchildren.

So, I could have blipped Megan, or her cousins Harry or Charlie.

I suppose I maybe should have blipped the star of the show Jessica, or perhaps this lovely intimate shot of her with her Mum, Abi or one of her with her proud parents or even one with the godparents too.

But, in the end it was no contest. Olivia, 8 next week (going on 18) was posing so naturally on the side of the bouncy castle, it had to be her.

Sadly, I didn't have my camera ready when my father, 85 two days ago, had a go on the bouncy castle, thus ticking off one of the items on his "must do before I am 90" list. One day I will ask him what the other items are...

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