Walk & talk
Decided today that it was time to I got some not-quite-so-cold fresh air into my lungs, stretched the legs and indulged the camera so, with a little help from Mr G's maps I opted for a walk along an old bridle path to F's - about 3 miles. Of course, I hadn't factored in the muddiness and my choice of shoeware proved to be a tad inadequate for the conditions, though perfect for the walk. They'll wash.
It felt great to be moving and breathing some fresh air deep into my lungs. I'd hoped to be able to find some wildlife to photograph but it turned out that the local wildlife is both a little scarce (or holed up in their cosy nests/dens) and a little shy. Unlike the New Zealand fantails who almost 'walk' the track with you, the few wee birds I saw here kept a good distance. Still, I did manage to see a few bluetits, a great-tit, a wren and plenty of pigeons.
In the absence of the birds, I turned my camera to the human and canine forms that were also freshening up their lungs and legs. I stopped for a chat with most of them and even learned a little local history from Brian (see extras) who turned out to be a historian who writes for the local paper. A nearby landmark - Crouch Hill - was, so the story goes, created when the Devil, who was carrying a hod full of soil to a nearby church one hot and sticky summer, decided it was too much to haul and promptly dumped it alongside the bridleway so he could go get a drink of water. Et voila! Crouch Hill.
After a quick change of footwear F and I headed to the hospital to see Mum. Still no word on her home-care nor when she'll be going home. She's tired - tired of the waiting, tired of feeling dreadful, tired of not being able to sleep in her own bed, tired of not being able to rest in her own chair, tired of.......
F and I had a long chat in the evening about lots of things but several related to mum's health, future, desires, wishes...... It was good to share feelings and it certainly helped me to clarify some important things on my mind.....things I want to say to Mum. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in the organisational practicalities of what we're doing that we fail to see the 'truth' behind it all. I don't know how much effect what I want to say will have on Mum but it's my hope, my intention, that it will bring some peace to her so that her current suffering may be eased.
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