Smart Train

Thank you for all your comments,suggestions and sympathy regarding my tangle with dogs and their leashes yesterday. I do appreciate it. You are definitely not strangers and your kindness is very much appreciated.

Motivated by the need for more flexible bandaging material for my leg and my elbow…not much I can do about my face except for pancake make-up which makes me look even weirder, or a paper bag….I went to the pharmacy this morning and then, of course, to The Flying Goat for an Aztek Mocha. I took a picture of the SMART (Sonoma Marin something Rapid Transit) train which seems to be neither smart nor rapid. Although they have been testing the train regularly for months, unless one vaults to the level of the door, there is no sign of a platform and it certainly 
doesn't seem to be rapid as it crawls by the 100 year old station, with is no longer a station but a tourist information bureau.

Back home again I decided to reorganize my iPhotos, forgetting that I have never, ever, understood the system of albums and folders. All I succeeded in doing was creating a lot of untitled albums with pictures that are already in titled albums and deleting my entire three and a half years years' worth of Blipfoto pictures. Many bad words ensued….

Tomorrow is bound to be better, right?

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