Meet Billy the Kid

We walked (well the kids scootered) from home up to Omana Regional Park today, and played at the playground for a while this afternoon. On our way out, we decided to go into one of the paddocks, where sheep and a couple of goats were grazing. Billy here, is used to being in with the piggies and lambs, so is familiar with people and is super friendly. As soon as he saw us, he was over for a good rub down and a check out of any food scraps we might have. He managed to con us out of an apple, and some apple cores.

We're all a bit tired from our walk, and since getting home, haven't done very much. I've plotted it, and it was 6km...well done to the kids for managing that on their scooters.

This morning we went and saw Brave. Really good movie! Liked there being a strong female heroine not waiting for anyone else to make her future happen, and the relationship with her mum.

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