Hip,Hip, Hooray!

Sometimes voting with the heart does win in the end.
The news that we are at the point of success in our bid to buy back Blipfoto is what all we pledgers wanted to hear.
Victory is ours as long as no one reneges on their pledge; and who knows, now that Blipfoto is assured of a future, perhaps the blippers ruled by their heads might now considering chipping in by buying a share which costs the price of 3 coffees. Any monies over and above the £120,000 will be used to develop the site.

My own pledge, which His Lordship still thinks an enormous gamble, may well mean a diet of dry bread and water for the foreseeable future and certainly no early purchase of a much coveted I-watch. I consider this worthwhile in the saving of the site, and the personal spin off on the diet could result in a beach babe body ............ Mmm perhaps that would be stretching credulity too far, a case of not thinking with the head.

To the big four negotiators, I would like to say "Guys you done good bringing home the bacon!"

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