Champagne on Ice

A frosty Winter's day.  Somewhat under the weather I decided to press on with planned activities when a return to bed was a decidedly attractive option.  Taking Amy to her riding lesson was followed by an afternoon meeting of the local Plant Heritage group.  As a holder of one of their National Collections I have been a member for around twenty years but have rarely attended meetings as work left too little time for family so 'extra's were few and far between.  However now that I work less I am hoping to join in some of their activities.  Today I took a small display of Crocuses and had been advised that there might be a nice surprise for me.  I confess to dozing through most of what was doubtless an excellent lecture on Garden History but was fortunately awake when the prizes for their annual photographic competition were awarded - a bottle of Champagne came my way.  The winning entry is reproduced as an Extra below - It was in fact my blip on 2nd December 2012.

Crocus biflorus isauricus was one of the plants on display today.

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