The Beating Heart, Will Never Die...

Tooli and I were shopping a few weeks back and we spotted these in Links of London in Princes Square in Glasgow. Official Band of the Team GB Olympic Squad. I'm very proud of being British, I just wish more Scots were.

I don't want there to be a referendum.

I don't want to be part of a country disbanded from it's united borders.

I don't want Andy Murray to be British until he loses, when he reverts back to Scottish.

I don't want people to make a double take at me when I tell them I'm cheering on England in the football.

I don't want to have to see another child being scared to go to school because of the taunts they'd receive for supporting the "wrong team".

I don't want there to be hatred in the world between races.

I don't want people to fight because their beliefs are different from someone elses.

I don't want people to believe that they are right and everyone else is wrong.

I just want people to believe in themselves, and allow other people the freedom to do the same.

And that, is all.

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