My Brain Hurts!

I had to meet up with Pete today so that we could discuss me taking over the editorship of our Club's Newsletter.  The weather forecast was wintry but the threatened snow did not arrive so I decided to get on the bike and cycle to Pete's (and also try out my new go-pro, woo hoo!)  I spent a couple of hours yesterday evening trying to get to grips with the wireless connection from the camera to my I-Pad - I'm sure the kids would have sussed it in minutes!  Today's problem was the chest harness for the camera.  The very helpful chap in Jessops (you were right lovelupins!) said it was angled because the Danny MacAskills amongst us bike riders like to see their handlebars in the shot - I wasn't convinced and I was right - most of my video is excellent footage of my knees going like billio!  This is about the only blip which shows some of the view in front of me - can local blippers guess which downhill I was on? (answer tomorrow!)  Hint:  Pete lives in Baildon.

Back home I've spent another couple of hours with the various mountings which have come with the camera and chest harness and finally sussed out how to have the camera looking forward rather than down!

Danny MacAskill's Cascadia  - take a look and be gobsmacked!  I'm building up to this level gradually!

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