The Lozarithm Lens

By Lozarithm

Tiny Tuesday (Tuesday 12th January 2016)

I stopped off at Silbury Hill on my way to Marlborough especially to get a blip, but the light was already dull, the sky was grey, dull and cloudless and there was nothing that I felt would add to pictures I have taken there on previous occasions. Yet again I returned home in the dark with an unfired camera.

I did want to blip, though, because I want to do a week of Bowie-related LOTD's, so, remembering it was a Tuesday, I took out this very special adapter that was included in my collector's edition of Bob Dylan's The Cutting Edge CD set. These adapters were placed into the centre of 45 r.p.m. records whose middles had been stamped out, for instance if they had been installed in a jukebox. They were usually plain black plastic but the design on this clearly refers to Dylan's single Leopard-Skin Pillbox Hat, one of the reproduction singles included with the package.

P.S. Fingers crossed for Blip's Future.

13.1.2016 (1749 hr)

Blip #1736 (#1986 including archived blips)
Consecutive Blip #003
Day #2116
LOTD #970 (#1094 including archived blips)

Recent Purchases series
Macro series

Taken with Lumix DMC-LX100

Lozarhythm Of The Day:
Mike Garson - Life On Mars (2011)
The world of culture had a seismic shift when David Bowie suddenly left us last Sunday, and I intend to have a Bowie-related LOTD for every blip I post for the week following.
Mike Garson first worked with Bowie on the album Aladdin Sane and on a number of albums and tours thereafter. In 2011 he released an album called The Bowie Variations from which this is taken.
Life On Mars
comes from Bowie's 1971 album Hunky Dory and was one of the first of his compositions to feature the cosmological theme that was consistent right up to the end with his final album Blackstar. On the original recording the pianist was Rick Wakeman.

One year ago:
Smokey 1133 hr

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