Stalking off

Three day weekend at the beach. Had a lie in this morning. Then spent a frustrating morning trying to change the password for our mail programme, as something or someone appears to have accessed the mail programme on Yahoo, and has sent spam messages to a number of addresses gained. After being befuddled I rang the help desk and nice woman helped me to change the password. And get the mail programme sorted and have it work.

Relaxation. For ten minutes, until I discovered I could neither receive nor send mail. Did my usual round in circles stuff getting increasingly temperamental, until suddenly the box for the password was shown to be empty. Put in the new one again, and, cross fingers, it has worked since.

By then it was the middle of the day, and I needed to blow air through my head and I went for a run. Along the Snell Beach front. People on the path and the grass and in the playground. Birds way out at the water's edge. Lots of herons, stilts, oystercatchers. This was the best image on a bright sunny and warm day. Cropped a bit as they don't let me get very close.

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