Under Wraps

A collage of a selection of the week's photos of the education centre refurb. Several near disasters, mainly my fault! Forget to deal with the IT and had to quickly order new screen and projector. Lovely star cross shade of grey on the swatch card was pink on our wall. But all going well. I'm going to try for an awning for outside as well, although not sure the big bosses will agree as the project is already £7000 over budget. I am sure though that if I don't ask, I won't get so have an appointment 9am Monday morning with an awning company.

Off back to Lordswood tomorrow to see friends and drop off some late Xmas presents to the girls from my brother. He and his partner got engaged at Xmas. Aged 53 and 3 previous marriages behind him, it seems he still hasn't grown up!

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