Singing Wren

It was frosty this morning, but not too cold, and much brighter than it has been all week, although just a brighter shade of grey.  I was hopeful for blue sky, but it didn’t really materialise.  BB wasn’t sure if he had a cello lesson today, so was agonising on whether he needed his cello.  I persuaded him to take it, which was just as well as he did have a lesson (but no orchestra).  The diggers were at work early this morning (in the dark) in the field behind us.  They have been working in it for a couple of months, as it is being developed for housing, much to our disappointment.  Work stopped over the Christmas holiday, but it seems to be in full flow again  - with diggers and bright lights everywhere.

I dropped BB at school and came home to do some housework – my least favourite thing.  However, the kitchen is looking a lot better and at least the floor is clean at last, after all the mud of the last couple of weeks.

BB had a minor meltdown this afternoon.  I’m not really sure why it was so extreme, but having sent him to his bed (I thought he was probably tired), I then dragged him out for a walk round by the river, as he was not to be sitting in playing with technology (which is what he wanted to do!).

It was still quite muddy and wet, but the river level is going down. We stopped off at the library where he got a new book, before a quick supermarket visit before heading home.  It was raining when we came out of the supermarket.

Here is a little wren that was singing its heart out in the garden.  I couldn’t see it, then spotted it in the red currant bush. It’s not a great blip as it started fluttering about.

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