Latest Chrimbo Prezzie


A pack of Next socks with smiley animal faces on them, very welcome, a man can never have enough socks.

Before an emergency dental appointment at 0935 confirmed the worst that an extraction was required I got the many bags of rubbish out the back gate and seven bags of recycling out the front.

In the time between appointments I; rearranged the lounge
cleaned out and relaid the fire
hoovered the lounge
took down and stored the outside Christmas lights
swept through the hallway
put away all my laundry
cleared and cleaned the dining room
cleared and cleaned the kitchen
made tomorrow's curry

Back to the dentist at 1510 for the tooth out, it was a bit of a struggle but arriving home at four-thirty I felt as though I'd had a round or two with Mike Tyson.

A quiet night in front of the TV to recuperate.

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