TB or Not TB....
That is the question.
Yet another horrible ,wet,dull day. When will it ever dry up ? Coming in from the East,so colder too.
The SAC advisor in to take soil samples from a couple of fields that didn't grow very well last season. Could be just needing lime to sort out the PH,but we will see. Even the roadsides are sodden,as he found out when he got his car stuck !
After lunch,Little Miss chummed me to the vet's to collect some vaccine,and arrange a date for the cattle TB test.The bulk of herds in Scotland,unlike large chunks of England and Wales,only need to test every 4 years. Still a pain,but not as bad as it could be.
Called in to the contractor friend who cuts our silage just to make sure he would do it this year. Would have been rude to refuse a cup of coffee while there too !
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