Shutter speeds, apertures and ISOs

The Minx and I had a spectacularly lazy morning, this morning, which was lovely. In the afternoon, I went into Manchester to meet up with a friend called Simon, whom the Minx and I met last year. We started at the Manchester Art Gallery for coffee, cake and a natter before setting off 'round the galleries. There was nothing particularly interesting on this occasion but that's not to say it wasn't enjoyable. It's very rare I go around a gallery without getting something out of it. (Intellectually, I mean: I'm not an accomplished art thief.)

After that we went on to the Circus Tavern - allegedly and, I can now say, plausibly the smallest bar in Europe - where we had a couple of drinks before moving for a Chinese meal at Fu's. Simon's vegetarian so I went along for the ride with him, which I rather enjoyed. I wonder if I might head back in that direction, if only for a while.

And then it was time to go to the Millstone, Simon's pub of choice in Manchester and a rum place to say the least. There was karaoke on tonight so we headed into the back room, which left us close enough to the action to be variously impressed (for better and worse) by the singers.

Simon is a professional photographer and I have long been frustrated by my lack of technical understanding when it comes to photography, so over dinner I took the opportunity to ask him about shutter speeds, apertures and ISO settings, three interrelated aspects of the art that have had me flummoxed and grinding my teeth when I've tried to understand them from various posts on the web. 

Well, Simon explained it all to me in simple and easily understandable terms in about 5 minutes, and then generously gave me a couple of other tips, which I attempted to put to use in this photo, taken in the back room at the Millstone. 

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