Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Animal day

This morning, at about ten past nine when I was making a cup of strong (!) coffee to take up to the computer, I weirdly saw two deer cantering past my kitchen window.  Considering I live on the edge of town, but not out of town, this was distinctly unusual.  However, they seemed to see nothing wrong with running between garage blocks and passed dustbins, so why should I?  After that I guess it was inevitable that the next sweetest thing I should see today was this cute, gentle and rather nervous hound tied up outside the supermarket.  Her crooked ear stole my heart away.

The other animals that swam into my ken today were courtesy of Ben Goldacre's book, Bad Science, which I am finally catching up with.  By turns it's a fascinating, hilarious and shocking read.  Those he talks about are mostly rats.  I thoroughly recommend it!

Enjoy your evenings, peeps  xx

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