
By samsticks

Christmas Bubble Esky

Miles was awesome this morning - he woke up (at his usual 6am), and ran into our room. "Mum, Dad [Mummy and Daddy seem to already have been dropped as our nearly 3-year old races towards adolescence], I wanted to see if Santa ate his mince pie but the door's shut".

So awesome to hear that... he was so excited that he didn't even notice the stocking at the end of his bed!
Thankfully, Santa had been, and we all had a fun-filled morning of opening presents... in a number of stages.

Grandad J made the kiwi traditional whitebait fritters (yum!), and we went for a pre-lunch walk down to the beach. The sun finally came out around lunchtime, so we were able to spend the rest of the day in the garden. Miles discovered the joys of outdoor bathing in the esky (or 'chilly bin' as they call them here in New Zealand!)

Merry Christmas to everyone.

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