In years gone by I was an occasional visitor to Millers, a country store a few miles out of Aberdeen, I went there maybe six times in all. It went into liquidation a couple of years ago, put out of business possibly by the garden centres around the area.
Yesterday I was informed the premises previously occupied by Millers had been taken over by Treehouse. Millers sold country clothing, food products and some agricultural merchandise. Treehouse instead is mainly home furnishings, but like Millers in the past it has a cafe.
Tired of being prisoners of the weather we headed out to Midmar to visit the store which we had not been to previously. The journey involved navigating some very large puddles, we did wonder if we would have to find an alternative route for the return if the roads became any more flooded.
On arrival we found an extensive range of furniture, fires and some interior decorations. However the cafe was our main destination, and a bowl of soup was very welcome.
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